Cygwin stuff I bothered with:


# Clears screen (in emacs mode) (lowercase L)
# ncurses must be installed to use clear command

Esc ^l
# Clears screen (in vi mode) (lowercase L)
# ncurses must be installed to use clear command

setup.exe -d -n -N -q -s -P ncurses
# cls and clear do not work by default in cygwin
# install ncurses and enjoy: clear

mkpasswd -d test-domain -u jmammy
# Use domain password for user in cygwin

set -o emacs
# Sets bash to emacs mode (the default mode)

set -o vi
# Sets bash to vi mode

cygcheck -p X11/Intrinsic.h
# Useful when make fails. Can check to see which port can be installed
# to fix missing dependecies.

setup.exe --no-desktop --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --quiet-mode -P subversion,wget,curl,lynx
setup.exe -d -n -N -q -s -P curl,lynx
# Installing packages from command line. Run from same folder
# as cygwin download of setup.exe. (second line is shorthand)
# When done it should show:
# Ending cygwin install
# Just hit enter to get back to prompt.

To get 256 colors in screen in cygwin use:
TERM=xterm-256color screen -T screen-256color

For more permanent change.

Set up cygwin to use 256 color by default:
Right click title bar -> Options -> Terminal -> Type -> xterm-256color 

If you are using mintty you can try adding to ~./minttyrc file:

man mintty for more info.

Once 256 color is set in your term you can run:
screen -T screen-256color

To set 256 color in screen by default add to .screenrc:
term screen-256color

Read this file for more info about configuring screeen:

To test settings you can run:

or jump into emacs and type:
M-x list-colors-display

List of official cygwin pacakages:

Cygwin Ports project
Has more packages then just the normal mirrors.
cygstart -- /cygdrive/c/downloads/cygwin/setup-x86.exe -K

Select your preffered mirror and then

Enter this into: User Url:

Hit Add, and make sure you have both mirrors highlighted


echo $SHELL
$SHELL --version
echo $0
ps -p $$
ps -p $$ | awk '{print $8}'
ps -p $$ | awk '{ print $NF }'
ps -p $$ | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $NF }}'
ps -p $$ | awk '{if (NR>1) {print $NF}}'
basename $(ps -p $$ | awk '{if (NR>1) {print $NF}}')
basename $(ps -p $$ | awk '{if (NR!=1) {print $NF }}')
each of these should show which shell you are using

cat /etc/passwd
shows default shell
